Mezzanine Financing

Upward Capital Funding understands that there are times when traditional equity or debt structures do not fit the project at hand. We offer mezzanine financing, which combines the features of both, to provide a flexible yet robust solution. Since mezzanine financing is considered subordinated debt, it falls lower on the hierarchy of your creditors.

Mezzanine Financing Benefits

Mezzanine financing from Upward Capital Funding offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Loan amounts ranging from $5 million to $100 million
  • Cash interest
  • Fixed and variable interest options
  • Payable In Kind (PIK) interest
  • Equity stakes

Mezzanine financing is an ideal solution for business acquisitions, as well as larger commercial real estate development projects.

Contact Us

If you have a large project lined up, and need a solution to ensure there are no gaps in financing, contact the team at Upward Capital Funding today.